Neuro-symbolic Metalearning and AutoML

Workshop co-hosted at ECML/PKDD 2023.

Date: September 18, 2023 (afternoon)

Location: PoliTo Room 4i

Invited Speakers


List of Posters


General organizers / Program Chairs (ordered by last name)

Call For Papers

This workshop explores different types of meta-knowledge, such as performance summary statistics or pre-trained model weights. One way of acquiring meta-knowledge is by observing learning processes and representing it in such a way that it can be used later to improve future learning processes. AutoML systems typically explore meta-knowledge acquired from a single task, e.g., by modelling the relationship between hyperparameters and model performance. Metalearning systems, on the other hand, normally explore metaknowledge acquired on a collection of machine learning tasks. This can be used not only for selection of the best workflow(s) for the current task, but also for adaptation and fine-tuning of a prior model to the new task. Many current AutoML and metalearning systems exploit both types of meta-knowledge. Neuro-symbolic systems explore the interplay between neural network-based learning and symbol-based learning to get the best of those two types of learning. While doing so, it tries to use the existing knowledge as a concrete symbolic representation or as a transformed version of the symbolic representation suited for the learning algorithm. The goal of this workshop is to explore ways in which ideas can be cross-pollinated between the AutoML/Metalearning and neuro-symbolic learning research communities. This could lead to, e.g., systems with interpretable meta-knowledge, and tighter integration between machine learning workflows and automated reasoning systems.

Main research areas:

Program Committee


This workshop hosts the following tracks:

Submissions go through the Conference Management Tool, please ensure to select the right track: Neuro-symbolic Metalearning and AutoML.

Please use the template suggested by the organisation of ECML/PKDD

Format of the Workshop

The workshop will last a half a day. It will include:


Accepted papers can decide to opt-in to the formal workshop proceedings of ECML/PKDD 2023. The authors of accepted papers can decide whether they wish to have their full paper included or not. In the latter case, publication of a short abstract would be possible.

Important Dates